Major Events in American History in the 21st Century

Click on the event to learn more about the event. We continue to update the timeline as events dictate

2000- AOL Purchases Time Warner 2000
2000- USS Cole Attacked  
2000-Hilary Clinton Elected to Senate  
2000-George W Bush Elected President  
2001- Large Tax Cut Passed 2001
2001-9/11Attack on New York and Washington  
2001-U.S. and Great Britain Attack Afghanistan  
2001- Anthrax Attacks U.S.  
2001-Enron Bankruptcy  
2002-Congress Authorizes Force Against Iraq 2002
2002- United Airlines Files For Bankruptcy  
2003- Shuttle Explodes on Reentry 2003
2003- U.S. Invades Iraq  
2003- Blackout in Northeast  
2004-Abu Gharib Prison Abuse 2004
2004- 9/11 Commission  
2004- President Bush Reelected  
2005 Hispanic Mayor of Los Angeles 2005
2005- Hurricane Katrina Devestates Gulf Coast  
2006- Hamadan vs Rumsfeld 2006
2006- Tesla Roadstar Introduced
2007- iPhone Introduced 2007
2007- Virginia Tech Shooting  
2008 Barak Obama to be Democratic Candidate 2008
2008 Lehman Brothers Declares Bankruptcy  
2008 Barak Obama Wins the Presidency>  
2009- Barak Obama Inaugurated President 2009
2009- General Motors Declares Bankruptcy  
2009-President Obama Announces Troop Surge  
2010 Affordable Care Act Passed  
2010 Elana Kagan Fourth Female Justice 2010
2010 US Combat Mission Ends in Iraq  
2011 Osama Bin Laden Killed by US Forces 2011
2012 Hurricane Sandy 2012
2012 Obama Reelected  
2012 Sandy Hook School Shooting  
2013 Boston Marathon Bombing 2013
2014 Janet Yellen to Head Federal Reserve 2014
2015 Charleston Church Shooting 2015
2015 Supreme Court - Same Sex Marriage  
2016-Donald Trump Elected 2016
2017- FBI Director Fired 2017
2017- Equifax Data Breach  
2018- Trump Leaves Iran Nuclear Accord 2018
2018-Contentious G7 Meeting  
2018-US North Korean Summit  
2018-12 Russian GRU Officers Indicted  
2018-Trump Putin Meet in Helesinki  
2018-Cohen and Manafort Guilty  
2018-Only 30,000 Refugees to be admitted in 2017  
2018-Trump Addresses UN  
2018-Brett Kavanaugh Confirmed to the Supreme Court  
2018-Massacre at Synagogue in Pittsburgh  
2018-Midterm Elections  
2018-Mattis Resigns After Trump Announcement on Syria  
2019-Nancy Pelosi Speaker  
2019-Government Shut Down Ends after 35 Days  
2019-Mueller Report Released on Trump and Russia  
2019-House Votes to Impeach President Trump  
2020-COVID-19 Spreads Around the World  
2020-Vice President Biden Becomes Presumptive Democratic Nominee  
2020-Space-X Launches Astronauts to Space Station  
2020-Former Vice President Biden Elected President  
2021-Insurrection in Washington- The Capitol is Attacked  
2021-Second Impeachment Trial of Donald Trump  
2021-2020 Census Data Released  
2021- Taliban Victorious in Afghanistan US Evacuates 122,000  
2022- Supreme Court Rules on Vaccine Mandates  
2022- January 6th Committee Holds Public Hearings  
2022- Supreme Court Overturns Roe vs Wade  
2022- Four Major Bills Passed by Congress  
2022- Congress Concludes Trump Should be Prosecuted  
2023- The Tump Indictments  
2023- The Speaker of the House Removed  
2024- Trump Guilty  
2024- 25 Days From Debate to Biden Withdrawing