Timeline of Israel History

1948 ... Provisional Government Formed
1882 ... BILU, First Aliyah
1896 ... Herzl Writes DER JUDENSTAAT
1897 ... First Zionist Congress
1903 ... Kishnev Pogrom
1903 ... Uganda Plan
1904 ... Second Aliyah
1909 ... Kibbutz Degania Founded
1909 ... HaShomer Founded
1909 ... Tel Aviv Founded
1915 ... NILI Founded
1918 ... Allenby Liberates Jerusalem
1919 ... Third Aliyah
1920 ... Arab Riots in Jaffa
1920 ... Haganah Founded
1920 ... Histadrut Founded
1924 ... Fourth Aliyah
1925 ... Hebrew University Founded
1925 ... Technion Founded
1929 ... Hebron Massacre
1932 ... Fifth Aliyah
1933 ... Hitler Comes to Power
1936 ... Arab Riots
1936 ... Peel Commission
1938 ... Homa U'Migdal
1939 ... Holocaust
1939 ... St. James Conference
1939 ... White Paper
1940 ...Palestine During World War II
1941 ... Palmach Formed
1942 ...Trying to Save Some
1942 ... Biltmore Conference
1945 ... Illegal Immigration
1946 ...Anglo American Commission of Inquiry
1946 ... Jewish Refugees in Detention
1946 ... King David Bombed
1947 ....Morrison Grady Plan
1947 The Yishuv Purchased Arms
1947 ... UN Special Commission
1947 ... Exodus Returned
1947 ... UN Votes Partition of Palestine
1947 ... CIVIL WAR in Palestine
1948 ... State of Israel Founded
1948 ... First Truce
1948 ... Altalena
1948 ...10 Days Campaign
1948 ...Second Truce
>1948 ... Operation Yoav
1948 ... Final Campaign
1948 ... Rhodes Conference
1949 ... The Arab Refugees
1949 ... First Election
1949 ... Ma'abarot
1949 ... Chaim Weizmann President
1950 ... Operation Magic Carpet
1950 ... First Coaltion Crisis
1952 ...Reperation Agreement
1953 ..Kastner Trial
1953 ... David Ben-Gurion Retires
1954 ... Lavon Affair
1956 ... Rising Terror Takes Toll
1956 ... Sinai Campaign
1960 ... Israel Assembles 1st Jet
1961 .... Trial of Eichmann
1962 ... Kennedy Approves Hawks
1964 ... Water Carrier Complete
1967 ... Events Leading to the Six Day War
1967 ... Six Day War
1967 ... Sinking of Eilat
1968 ... Palestinians Turn to Attack Planes
1969 ... War of Attrition
1972 ... Munich Massacre
1973 ... Yom Kippur War
1973 ... First Peace Talks
1973 ... First Disengagement
1974 ... Syrian Prisoner
1974 ... Ma'alot Terror Attack
1975 ... Nahariya Terror Attack
1974 ... Sinai II Agreement
1975 ... Entebbe Rescue
1977 ... Likud Comes To Power
1977 ... Sadat Comes To Israel
1978 ... Coastal Massacre By Terrorists
1979 ... Peace Treaty Signed
1980 ... Iraqi Nuclear Reactor Destroyed
1982 ... War in Lebanon
1987 ... Intifadah Begins
1989... Massive Immigration of Soviet Jews
1990 ... Gulf War
1991 ... Massive Ethiopian Airlift
1993 ... Israel Signs Peace Treaty with PLO
1994 ... Israel and Jordan Sign Peace Agreement
1995 ... Yitzchak Rabin Assassinated
1996 Suicide Bomber Strike Israel
1997Helicopter Disaster
1999 Barak Elected Prime Minister of Israel
2000 Israel Withdraws From Lebanon
2001- Palestinians Begin New Uprising
2005- Israel withdraws from Gaza Settlements
2005- Sharon Suffers Massive Stoke
Copyright 2002 Marc Schulman