Revolutionary War: Birth of the Nation

The following events represent the major events and battles of the Revolutionary War. From the Battle of Concord and Lexington in 1775 to Yorktown in 1781 all the major events are covered.

The Major Battles and Events of the War

1775- Paul Revere's Ride 1777 Battle of Bennington
1775-Concord and Lexington 1777 Battle of Saratoga
1775-Americans Capture Ticonderoga 1777-1778 Valley Forge
1775 Battle of Bunker Hill 1777- Treaty of Amity with France
1775- The British Reaction 1778 Battle of Monmouth
1775-Attack on Canada 1778- Settle Massacred at Wyoming
1775-U.S. Navy Created 1779 Americans Capture Stony Point
1776-Common Sense Published 1779 John Paul Jones & Bonne Homme Richard
1775-1776 Siege of Boston 1779-80 Siege of Charleston
1776 -Declaration of Independence 1780 Battle of Camden
1776- Battle of New York 1780 Arnold a Traitor
1776 Battle of Valcour Bay 1780 Battle Kings Mountain
1776-Retreat Through N.J. 1780 Battle of Cowpens
1776- Battle of Trenton 1781 Battle of Guilford Court House
1777 Battle of Princeton 1781 Battle of Hobkirks Hill
1777 British Capture Ticonderoga 1781 Battle of Eutaw Springs
1777 Battle of Branywine 1781 Article of Confederation Ratified
1777 Battle of Germantown 1781 Battle of Yorktown
1777 Battle of Oriskny 1781 Treaty of Paris
1777- Massacre of Jane McCrea