America Today (1975-2022) PRIMARY SOURCE DOCUMENTS

1974: Supreme Coutt Case– Roe vs. Wade
1977: James Earl Carter's Presidential Inaugural Address
1981: Ronald Reagan's Presidential Inaugural Address
1983: Ronald Reagan's Evil Empire Speech (photo of key page large)
1985: Ronald Reagan's Second Presidential Inaugural Address
1985: Ronald Reagan's "Tear Down This Wall" Speech
1989- Herbert Walker Bush's Presidential Inaugural Address
1990: United States vs. Eichman– Flag Burning
1993: William Jefferson Clinton's Presidential Inaugural Address
1993: President Bill Clinton's Address to Joint Session of Congress
1993: President Bill Clinton on Signing Israel/PLO Agreement
1993: President Bill Clinton's Address on "New Direction"
1993: President Bill Clinton on Signing of NAFTA
1994: President Bill Clinton's State of Union Address
1994: President Bill Clinton's Address in East Berlin
1994: President Bill Clinton's Address to the Israeli Parliament
1994: Clinton On Signing The Peace Agreement between Israel & Jordan
1994: 50 Years to D-Day (UCLA Convocation)
1995: President Bill Clinton's State of the Union Address
1995: President Bill Clinton On Religious Liberty
1995: Clinton's Remarks at Rabin Funeral
1995: President Bill Clinton's Radio Address on the Budget Fight
1996: President Bill Clinton's State of the Union Address
1996: President Bill Clinton's Address to the Democratic Convention
1997: President Bill Clinton's Second Presidential Inaugural Address
2000: Gov. George W. Bush vs. V.P. Al Gore (2000 Decision)
2001: George W. Bush's Presidential Inaugural Address
2001: Remarks of G.W. Bush Before Newspaper Editors' Convention
2001: G.W. Bush Addresses a Joint Session After Attack on America
2001: Address By President George W. Bush to the United Nations
2002: George W. Bush's State of the Union Address
2002: Testimony Before the Senate by George Tenet
2003: Congressional Resolution Supporting Force in Iraq
2003: Report on Iraq to the United Nations by Dr. Hans Blix
2003: President George W. Bush's State of the Union Address
2003: President Bush's Remarks on Columbia Space Shuttle Disaster
2003: President George W. Bush's Press Conference on Iraq
2003: U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell Response to Dr. Han Blix
2003: President George W. Bush Gives Saddam Hussein An Ultimatum
2003: President George W. Bush Announces the Beginning of the War
2003: President George W. Bush Announces End of Major Combat
2003: President George W. Bush Address to the United Nations
2004: President George W. Bush's State of the Union Address
2004: President George W. Bush's Press Conference
2005: President George W. Bush Second Inaugural Address
2006:President George W. Bush's State of the Union Address
2006: Salim Ahmed Hamdan vs. Donald Rumsfeld, US Defense Secretary
2007: President George W. Bush's State of the Union Address
2007: President George W. Bush Address to the Nation on Iraq
2008: President George W. Bush Addresses the Nation on the Economy
2009: Presidential Inaugural Address of Barack H. Obama
2010: President Barack Obama's State of the Union Address
2010: President Barack Obama's Speech on Afghanistan
2010: President Barack Obama's Speech on End of Combat in Afghanistan
2012: President Barack Obama's State of the Union Address
2012: Supreme Court's Decision on Affordable Care
2015: Court Decision Obergefell v. Hodges
2015: President Obama in Charleston
2017: Donald Trump Inaugural Address
2017: Trump Ban on Immigration from Certain Countries
2017:McCain Speech on American Values
2018:Trump 1st State of the Union
2019:Trump 2nd State of the Union
2019:Mark Zuckerberg on Internent Privacy
2020:President Trump at Mt Rushmore
2021:President Biden Inaugural Address
2021:President Biden Speech to UN General Assembly
2022:President Biden Speech On Anniversary January 6th
2022:President Biden State of the Union Address March 1, 2022
2022:Supreme Court Dobbs vs Mississippi
2023:Biden on Terror Attack on Israel
2023:Biden on Israel and Ukraine
2024:State of the Union
2024:Biden on Trump Conviction and the Gaza War