August 1963- President Kennedy's Schedule



President Kennedy had breakfast with Dean Rusk, LBJ, Bundy, James Greenfield, Myer Feldman, Walter Heller, Pierre Salinger, Theodore Sorensen. The President met with Robert Stein. President Kennedy next met with Congressman Gilbert Gore. The President received members of the National Medical Association ( a group of African American physicians). After lunch the President gave a press conference. The President traveled to Annapolis and spoke to the new Midshipman. The President then traveled to Have de Grace to the home of Mrs Milard Tydings where the President had dinner. He then returned to Washington.


The President met with Dean Rusk, Averell Harriman, Llewellyn Thompson, William Foster, George Ball and Richard Davis. The President next met with Christian Herter. The President next met with Edwin Reischauer, George Ball and Roger Hilsman. Next the President had a meeting with Foreign Minister of Japan Masayoshi Ohira, Ambassador to Japan Edwin Reischauer, George Ball, and Roger Hilsman. The President next met Teere Paris the Ambassador of Venezuela. After lunch the President met with Dean Rusk and the traveled to Hyannis Port.


President and Mrs. Kennedy, Caroline Kennedy, Ambassador Galbriath, and Mrs. and Mrs. Paul Fay cruise aboard the Honey Fitz, Hyannis Port, Massachusetts


The President Kennedy began the day by going to church at St Francis Xavier Church. President Kennedy and Mr. and Mrs. Paul Fay cruise aboard the Honey Fitz, Hyannis Port, Massachusetts


The President returned to Washington. His first meeting was with Raymond Hare the US Ambassador to Turkey. The President next met with Lee White His next meeting was with McNamara and Ball. At 7:35 the President left the office and went to the pool.


President Kennedy begins his day with a Legislative Leaders Breakfast. The President met Edwin Neilan the newly-elected President of the US Chamber of Commerce. The President next met with George Meany. John Reynold the Governor of Wisconsin met the President next. The President travel to the Washington National Cathedral and attended a memorial service for Philip Graham. After returning to the White House the President met with Health, Education and Welfare Secretary Anthony Celebrezze.


The President begins his day Meeting Congressman John Watts. The President then meets with the Citizens Committee on Test Ban Treaty. The rest meetings cancelled. The President flies to Massachusetts to visit with Mrs. Kennedy who gave birth to a 5 1/2 week premature baby, Patrick Bouvier Kennedy.


President Kennedy visits his newborn son, Patrick, at Childrens Hospital in Boston, and Mrs. Kennedy at Otis Air Force Base Hospital, Cape Cod, Massachusetts.


President Kennedy visits Childrens Hospital in Boston and Mrs. Kennedy at Otis Air Force Base Hospital. Their newborn son, Patrick, Bouvier Kennedy, dies at Childrens Hospital


President Kennedy attends funeral services for his son Patrick Bouvier Kennedy, Holyhood Cemetery, Brookline, Massachusetts. His son lived a total of 39 hours. He spent the rest of the day going back and forth the hospital were Mrs Kennedy was and visiting his own Father.


The President attended mass at St Francis Xavier Church. President Kennedy, Caroline Kennedy, and Dave Powers visit Mrs. Kennedy at Otis Air Force Base Hospital, Hyannis, Massachusetts.


The President Caroline, and John Jr. visited with Mrs Kennedy at Otis Air Force Base Hospital. The President took his children on a speedboat ride, and after visiting Mrs Kennedy once again the President returned to Washington. The Presidents first meeting was with his Foreign Policy team that included Rusk, Ball and Harriman to discuss Pakistan. The President next meeting was with Senator Everett Dirksen. The Presidents last meeting was with Kermit Gordon, John Gleason, Lee White and Robert Komer.


The President had a meeting with Legislative Leader Breakfast. The President next met a group of Irish Teachers. The President next met with Eugene Black and Stanley J Osborne about the Supersonic Transport Program. The President next met with Ghulam Ahmed the new Ambassador of Pakistan. The President next met with Matthew McClonsky the US Ambassador to Ireland. The President next met with General Maxwell Taylor. After lunch the President held a meeting on the economy, He ended the day with a meeting with Glen Seaborg and McGeorge Bundy. The President then left for Otis Air Force Base.


President Kennedy goes to Otis Air Force Hospital to take Mrs. Kennedy back to their Squaw Island residence, Hyannis Port, Massachusetts.


The President returned to Washington. He received members of the Association of Louisiana Acadians a group of 65 young women between 16- 18. The President next met with Senator Birch Bayh, Senator Vance Harke, and Congressman John Brademas all of Indiana. The President next met with the new US Ambassador to Viet Nam Henry Cabot Lodge. The President attended mass at St Mathews. The President next met with Douglas Dillon, Henry Fowler and Theodore Sorensen. The President next had a meeting on British Guinea. The President met with John McCone and McGeorge Bundy. The President next met with Orville Freeman. The President also met with McGeorge Bundy, and Llewellyn Thompson. The President went to the pool at 7:10 PM .


The President began his day with a meeting with Robert McNamara. Next the President met with Senator John Pastore. The President next had a meeting with Dean Rusk, David Bell, George Ball, William Gaud, Lawrence O'Brien, Ralph Dungan and Robert Komer. The President next met with Kisaburo Yokota the Chief Justice of the Japanese Supreme Court. The President then traveled to Hyannis Port.


The only reported activities of the day was Golf with Mr. Spaulding and Mr. Niblit, Hyannis Port, Massachusetts.


President Kennedy attended Mass at St Francis Xavier Church.Cruise aboard a jet boat with Mrs. Kennedy, Caroline, John, Jr., Sydney Lawford, and Senator and Mrs. Edward Kennedy, Hyannis Port, Massachusetts.


The President returned to Washington and greeted a group of Peace Corps volunteers. The President then met with Robert Kennedy and Burke Marshall. The President next signed S 1652 an Act to Amend the National Cultural Center Act. The President met a delegation from Chile. The President next had a meeting with David Lawrence. President Kennedy next convened a meeting to discuss the situation in Laos. The President then had three separate meetings with Wayne Hays, Douglas Dillon and John McCone.


The President began his day with a Legislative Leaders Breakfast. The President met with Alliance for Progress representatives. The President next had a meeting to prepare for the Press Conference. The President then met with Nat King Cole. The President gave a Press Conference at 4PM. President Kennedy ended his day with a meeting with Roger Blough and David McDonald.


President Kennedy began his day with a meeting on Vietnam to discuss the crisis tied to the showdown with Buddist Monks. The President next met with Dr Abul Majid the new ambassador of Afghanistan, The President then met with Parker T Hart the US Ambassador to Saudi Arabia. The President met with William Crawford the US Minister to Rumania. The President next met with A.S, J Carnahan the US Ambassador to Sierra Leone. The President traveled to Hyannis Port.


The President returned to Washington. His first meeting was with Governor James Davis Senate Russel Long and Congressman Edwin Willis . The President next participated in the rollout ceremony of the C141 all jet transport. The President met with Edwin Reischaauer Ambassador to Japan. The President had Luncheon for broadcasters. The President met with George Kennan the US Ambassador to Yugoslavia.


The President greeted a group of Fulbright Hays Exchange Teachers. The President next met with James Loeb the US Ambassador to Guinea. The President next had a meeting with Ambassador to NATO Thomas K. Finletter. The President had a meeting with Carl Hayden. The President traveled to Hyannis Point.


No activity reported(Bad Weather), Hyannis Port, Massachusetts.


President Kennedy cruises with his family and friends, Hyannis Port, Massachusetts.


President Kennedy returned to the White House. He met Llewellyn Thomspon. He next met with Soviet Ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin. The President had a meeting on Vietnam. Late in the afternoon the President met wit Robert Kennedy, Bernard Boutin and Burke Marshall.


President Kennedy begin his day with a Legislative Leader Breakfast. He has a brief meeting with Hale Boggs and Archibald Cox. The Presidents then welcomes student participants in the White House Seminar in Government. The President met with Senator Wayne Morse and then with the Vice President. He then greeted a Brazilian delegation. The President held a large meeting on Viet Nam. Included in the meeting were Rusk, Ball and McNamara. Robert Kennedy, as well as all the area experts. The President then meets on Secretary Balls trip to Pakistan and Portugal.


President Kennedy meets with Congressman Ross Bass. His next meeting is with William Macomber the US Ambassador to Jordan. The President next meets with Frederick Nolting the former Ambassador to Viet Nam. The President then hold another meeting on Vietnam. Late in the day the Meeting with A. Philip Randolph, Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr. John Lewis, Walter Reuther, Whitney Young, Mathew Ahmam, Rabbi Joachin Prinz, Roy Wilkens and Floyd McKissig the leaders of the March on Washington. The President holds yet another meeting on Vietnam.


The President meets with Kenneth Galbriath the US Ambassador to India. He then holds another meeting on the situation in Vietnam. In the afternoon he leave for Hyannis Port.


The President Kennedy has a meeting with David Bell and Gen. Lucius Clay to discuss the recent cut in the Mutual Security Program. The President then took a cruise aboard the Honey Fitz.


The President John Jr and Paul Fay went to the toy shop, the book store and returned to the residence. President Kennedy cruises aboard the Honey Fitz, Hyannis Port, Massachusetts.