William Randolph Hearst

1863- 1951


Famed American editor and publisher William Randolph Hearst was born on April 29, 1863 in San Francisco, California. He came from a wealthy family, his father owned a gold mine and became a US Senator, and his mother was the regent of the University of Califormia, Berkely. He attended Harvard college graduating in 1885. e amassed one of the most impressive communications empires in modern history. He started out by taking over the San Francisco Examiner which his father had received in return for a gambling debt. He acquired or started up newspapers in most of America's major cities, in addition to owning a number of popular magazines, radio stations, film companies and a news service.

Hearst wielded considerable political power, particularly behind the scenes, although he did serve as a Representative to Congress from New York in the early years of the century.