1987 Libyan Troops Leave Chad



Chad took the offensive in its civil war. The Army of Chad attacked Libyan forces in the northern village of Aozou and routed them. On March 22, 1987 then raided a Libyan air base that was being used to support the Libyan war effort in Chad. The Chadian Army claimed to have destroyed 26 Libyan planes. A cease-fire was soon negotiated. .

In the midst of the Chadian civil war, the situation was further complicated by the involvement of external forces, particularly Libya. Libya's interest in Chad was multifaceted, ranging from territorial claims to a broader aspiration for regional dominance. The village of Aozou, situated in the Aozou Strip, was of particular strategic importance and had been a point of contention between Chad and Libya for years.

When the Chadian Army launched its audacious assault on Libyan forces in Aozou, it wasn't just a military operation; it was a statement. By confronting the Libyans head-on and pushing them out of a key position, Chad was signaling its refusal to be bullied by a more powerful neighbor.

The subsequent raid on the Libyan air base was a calculated risk. Such bases were the backbone of Libya's military intervention in Chad, providing logistical support and enabling rapid deployment of forces. By targeting this installation, Chad aimed to cripple Libya's operational capabilities in the region. The destruction of 26 Libyan planes was a significant blow, not only in terms of material loss but also as a morale booster for the Chadian forces and a demoralizing setback for the Libyans.

The rapid negotiation of a cease-fire following these events underscored the international community's desire to prevent the conflict from escalating further. It also highlighted Chad's strengthened position, having demonstrated its capability to confront and challenge Libyan military aggression effectively.

While the cease-fire brought a temporary halt to hostilities, the underlying issues remained unresolved. The broader geopolitical game, intertwined with regional ambitions and historical grievances, ensured that Chad and Libya's relationship remained fraught with tension.