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UN Resolution 668

Adopted by the Security Council at its 2941st meeting on 20 September 1990

The Security Council,

Convinced of the need to find an early, just and lasting peaceful
solution of the Cambodia conflict,

Noting that the Paris International Conference on Cambodia (PICC,) which
met from 30 July to 30 August 1989, made progress in elaborating a wide
variety of elements necessary for reaching a comprehensive political

Taking note with appreciation of the continuing efforts of China,
France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of Great
Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America which have
resulted in the Framework for a comprehensive political settlement of the
Cambodia conflict as contained in Security Council document S/21689,

Taking note with appreciation also the efforts of the ASEAN countries
and other countries involved in promoting the search for a comprehensive
political settlement,

Taking note further with appreciation the efforts of Indonesia and
France as Co-Chairmen of the PICC and of all participants in this Conference
to facilitate the restoration of peace to Cambodia,

Noting that these efforts are aimed at enabling the Cambodian people to
exercise their inalienable right to self-determination through free and fair
elections organized and conducted by the United Nations in a neutral political
environment with full respect for the national sovereignty of Cambodia,

1. Endorses the Framework for a comprehensive political settlement of
the Cambodia conflict (S/21689) and encourages the continuing efforts of
China, France, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland and the United States of America in this

2. Welcomes the acceptance of this framework in its entirety by all the
Cambodian parties, as the basis for settling the Cambodia conflict, at the
informal meeting of the Cambodian parties in Jakarta on 10 September 1990 and
their commitment to it;

3. Further welcomes the commitment of the Cambodian parties, in full
co-operation with all other participants in the PICC, to elaborating this
Framework into a comprehensive political settlement through the processes of
the PICC;

4. Welcomes, in particular, the agreement reached by all Cambodian
parties in Jakarta (S/21732) forming a Supreme National Council as the unique
legitimate body and source of authority in which, throughout the transitional
period, the independence, national sovereignty and unity of Cambodia is

5. Urges the members of the Supreme National Council, in full accord
with the framework document (S/21689), to elect the Chairman of the Council as
soon as possible, so as to implement the agreement referred to in paragraph 4;

6. Notes that the Supreme National Council will therefore represent
Cambodia externally and it is to designate its representatives to occupy the
seat of Cambodia at the United Nations, in the United Nations specialized
agencies, and in other international institutions and international

7. Urges all parties to the conflict to exercise maximum self-restraint
so as to create the peaceful climate required to facilitate the achievement
and the implementation of a comprehensive political settlement;

8. Calls upon the Co-Chairmen of the PICC to intensify their
consultations with a view to reconvening the Conference, whose task will be to
elaborate and adopt the comprehensive political settlement and draw up a
detailed plan of implementation in accord with this framework;

9. Urges the Supreme National Council, all Cambodians as well as all
parties to the conflict to co-operate fully in this process;

10. Encourages the Secretary-General to continue, within the context of
preparations for reconvening the PICC and on the basis of the present
resolution, preparatory studies to assess the resource implications, timing
and other considerations relevant to the United Nations role;

11. Calls upon all States to support the achievement of a comprehensive
political settlement as outlined in this framework.
