Joel Lieberman



Joe's father worked his way up from the back of a bakery truck to own his own liquor store. His mom, like his dad, is the child of immigrants. Together, they worked hard to earn the money to send Joe to college -- the first in his family to go. From there, he went on to law school, and began serving the people of his state, in the State Senate, in 1971. During the 1970s, Joe worked with Governor Ella Grasso to protect consumers and the environment and promote new job growth in Connecticut.

Lieberman has fought to knock down barriers, stop discrimination, and extend the promise of America to all our people. In the 1960s, Joe joined thousands to hear Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. at the historic March on Washington, and led a group of students to Mississippi to fight for African-Americans' right to vote.

As Connecticut's Attorney General from 1983 to 1988, Joe stood with single moms against deadbeat dads, fought corporations that broke the law to prey on consumers, and prosecuted polluters to make them pay. And in the Senate over the last 14 years, he's continued to lead -- guided not by partisan politics, but by his principles -- and to fight for what's right for America.

Joe has worked hard to spur innovation, create jobs, and keep the government's books in balance. He's fought to keep our nation safe and secure, by championing the creation a Department of Homeland Security to better protect America from terrorist attack. He's pushed to protect and preserve our environment for future generations. He's a strong advocate for investing in our public schools, empowering parents, and giving all Americans the chance to go to college. And he has worked to expand quality and affordable health care to every American and safeguard Medicare and Social Security for future generations.

Joe and his wife Hadassah have four children: Matthew, Rebecca, Ethan, and Hana. Plus they are the grandparents of three beautiful girls, Tennessee, Willie and Eden. He wants for them just what all Americans want for their families a fair chance to live their dreams. That's the promise of America.