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Day 78- Second Hundred of the Obama Administration July 16 , 2009

The President began his day with his daily economic and security briefings. He then met with his senior advisors.

The President then had meetings with Senator Ben Nelson and Olympia Snowe to discuss healh care reform.

The President then departed the White House for New York City.

He traveled ot New Jersey to give a speech at a fundraiser for governor Corizine. He then appeared at a public rally for Corizine.

President Obama then gave an impassioned speech at the 100th anniversary dinner of the NAACP. In it he called on African Americans to take control of their lives. Remarks

The President ended his stary in New York with a an apperance at a DNC fundraiser.

The President gave a speech on health care reform in the Rose Garden to an audience that included nurses. . Remarks.

The President then met with Secreatary of State Clinton. Following that meeting the President and Vice President met with Secretary of Defense Gates.