First Ladies:

Abigail Powers Fillmore

Born: Stillwater, NY
Married: Millard Fillmore, 1826
Children: Mary, Millard
First Lady: 1850-1853

Millard Fillmore

Abigail Fillmore is perhaps best remembered for starting the first library in the White House. Apparently, this former school teacher considered the absence of books in the Executive Mansion to be a grave omission. She preferred reading to almost any other activity. Due to an old ankle injury, Abigail Fillmore had difficulty standing for extended periods but she fulfilled her obligations as White House hostess. Fillmore did not receive the Whig nomination in 1852, partly because he had signed the Fugitive Slave Act. The Fillmore presidency came to an end in 1853. Abigail attended the inauguration of her husband's successor, Franklin Pierce, which took place during a spell of cold winter weather. Abigail developed pneumonia and died just several weeks after leaving the White House. Her widower remarried five years later.

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